Dave Michel started in professional audio in the dinosaur days of analog, working as an electronics technician in the field during the transition time from analog to digital (during the heyday of the "Minneapolis sound"), and ended up liking digital so much that he became a software developer. While he was at Minnesota Public Radio in the 1980's, he was the primary recording engineer for the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, recording performances by Pinchas Zuckerman, Yo-Yo Ma, Joshua Bell, Murray Perahia, Nigel Kennedy, Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Kronos Quartet and others. He also assisted with recordings and live broadcasts of the Minnesota Orchestra.
Dave is an active musician, and serves on the Bethlehem Music Series board in the Vision/Program Concepts role. He has performed on many recordings by Marty Haugen, David Haas and Michael Joncas, and played bass in the jazz quartet "First Inversion". He has sung with many local choral organizations, including the Dale Warland Singers, Minnesota Composers Forum Chorale, Magnum Chorum, and the Paul Kay Singers. He currently sings in the National Lutheran Choir and does session work for Augsburg Fortress, Morningstar/ECS and Kjos Publishing. Dave also played numerous gigs, including three national Lutheran youth gatherings, with the Jay Beech Band.
Dave's live location recordings can be heard on Minnesota Public Radio and Performance Today.
While in college (I think it was the Paleozoic era), Dave recorded 144 recitals over three years, sparking a passion for audio that just won't go away. He is constantly amazed at how music can mysteriously communicate emotions in a unique way, and strives to somehow bottle up that mystery when recording so it can be shared.
Dave lives in Minneapolis with his wife, and enjoys cooking, entertaining, biking, travel and good media. He has two adult children; one who works in HR, and the other in digital media production.